Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Ultimate Guide To Background Checks - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / The Ultimate Guide To Background Checks - Introvert Whisperer The Ultimate Guide To Background Checks Job-hunting can be a nerve-wracking experience. Even if you’re ordinarily confident, you may find yourself second-guessing everything you say or do. “Was this the right tie to wear with this shirt?” “Did I sound enthusiastic enough when I answered that question?” “Was the recruiter’s name Terry or Jerry?” Preparation can help alleviate these anxieties. If you’re serious about a job search, you’ve probably already done a lot of prep work. But even if you’ve put in the work on your resume, cover letter and interview skills, you’re not fully prepared until you think about background checks. A majority of employers use background checks to learn more about job candidates, and if you’re not ready for what these reports might turn up, you could be caught off guard. There’s more to these investigations than checking for criminal records. Many job candidates are surprised to learn that companies can find information on their medical histories, driving records and/or credit scores. This is why it’s important to know as much as possible about background checks and what they might reveal about you. The accompanying guide contains a number of vital facts about background checks, what they might divulge and what you can do to prepare for or react to them. Don’t let unexpected problems make your job-hunting experience more stressful than it already is, so educate yourself about what these reports can reveal.

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